Tuesday 18 June 2013

My K-Pop Journey : Super Junior


It has been an emotional few days for me. I watched Super Junior's Super Show 5 in Hong Kong on 15th Jun. It was such an unforgettable experience, words can't even describe how much I loved it. Even though it has been a few days, I still feel super happy and excited. I don't know, after I see them in real person, singing and dancing in front of me, feelings just rushes back to me all of a sudden. I started to reminisce how I began to like K-Pop music.

After Gangnam Style sweeping across the world last year, I am sure the majority of you will know what K-Pop is, but did you know that there is something that is as brain-washing as Gangnam style?Well, I'd say that Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry" is even more brain-washing than Psy's song...

I came across K-Pop around 4 years ago. When my friend kept telling me this guy called "Nichkhun" is really good looking, and he is Thai but in a Korean boy band...Blah blah blah. She is a fan of 2PM. She showed me photographs of him and yes, he is incredibly good looking. But that was it, I didn't do a fan girl research on Nichkhun, I just didn't bother for some reason.

Then one day, my friends and I were eating, then there was a conversation about this Korean drama called "Oh My Lady" between my 2PM-fan friend and another friend of mine. I don't know why but that name stayed in my memory for a while. One day I was bored, flicking through this app on my laptop(which is basically a movie-drama library for you to watch online). Then I saw OML! So I thought, "Why not give it a go?! I am bored as hell anyway!". Little did I know, this was the beginning of an incredible journey.

So I started watching OML. The guy in it is quite good looking. But I totally fell in love with him instantly when I saw this:


Ok, I have to say he doesn't look as good in the photograph. I know, I know, I am so superficial for liking him because he has great abs. But seriously, look at them. Friggin' amazing body he has there.

Then my FBI search began, I googled this guy. His name is Siwon and he is a member of one of the biggest boy bands in K-Pop, Super Junior. Oh yes, I have heard about them  before, they have this super popular song called "Sorry Sorry". So the usual youtube search commenced, I started watching SJ music videos and clips of Siwon so that I can see his beautiful face (HAHA). Then I started watching Super Junior Full House (definitely recommend watching this if you are new to SJ, and want to know more about them). Soon after watching a few episodes of Full House, I started becoming a fan girl. They showed their talent and humour in this programme. I was falling for them. Then I watched numerous variety programmes that SJ appeared in.

Super Junior Full House (excuse the hair, this programme has quite a history now)

By the end of this whole crazy watching-video-listening-to-SJ-music thing, I know so much about this group of guys and so I became an ELF (fan name for SJ), and my favourite member changed from Siwon, to Donghae. Rather than a manly, muscular guy like Siwon, Donghae is a very cute, humble man. Siwon still remains one of my favourites, in fact, my favourites are the classic EunSiHae (EunHyuk, Siwon, Donghae).

My biases! From Left: Donghae, Siwon and Eunhyuk

EunSiHae are all born in the same year: 1986, AKA 86 line. In Korea, they call people who are at the same age "friends". These three are well know for their good friendships in SJ^^.


I remember clearly, I became an ELF just before their 4th album "Bonamana" came out, in 2010. When I think about it, Bonamana is still quite a recent song for me. I haven't been an ELF for a terribly long time yet, but I sure hope I, with the rest of ELFs, will be there and walk through this amazing journey with SJ oppa deul in the coming years.

And here it is, how I started this whole K-Pop thing.

Ronnie x

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