Monday 27 May 2013

Jimmy Choo Afternoon Tea at MO Bar, the Landmark Mandarin Oriental

So at the beginning of May, I started seeing people posting Jimmy Choo Afternoon Tea photographs onto Facebook, Instagram etc., and my friend and I were very impressed by the looks of the tea set. However, the bar at which the limited time tea set were sold were fully booked. Luckily, after I did some reading on reviews of the Choo Tea Set, I found out that they have a couple of walk-in spaces for people who didn't manage to get a booking. The reviewers said that if you want to secure a place for this amazing looking tea, then we have to get there at around 1pm. So my friend and I decided we would waste 2 hours of our revision time to queue for this insanely beautiful looking food...

The first time we went there, it was an EPIC FAIL. Good old Google told us that the Mandarin Oriental was in Sheung Wan, so my friend and I met and Sheung Wan and tried to find this place and of course we didn't find it. So we took the taxi to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel (where the famous singer Leslie Cheung jumped off) in Central, which was like 5 minutes away from Sheung Wan. Little did we know that this was at the MO Bar, at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hotel, not the original Mandarin Oriental. So we walked to Landmark and found that there was this very long queue already. So my friend and I had tea at the Landmark cafe instead (then we went to Harvey Nichols to get the YSL compact!)

However we still really wanted to try it! So we decide to go again 2 days later (we didn't want to go on the weekend when there will be a lot of people and this tea set was ending in like 3 days). When we arrived at the hotel that day, we were second in line, there was a woman before us that had got there earlier. As time went on, more and more people lined up (about 90% women), and as we queued outside of the hotel, a few pedestrians that walked past were a bit curious to know what the line was for and asked us! Some of them probably thought "Look at these crazy women dying for some tea at the hotel."

Finally at 3pm, a lady from the MO bar told us that we could go in. Because we were second in the line, we manage to get a table (Thank God the 2 hours didn't go to waste!), and I think a few people behind us got a table too. But the queue was very long and the lady had to apologise and dismiss the rest of them. We immediately ordered 2 sets of the Jimmy Choo Tea and soon after on of the waitresses come over to our table to set up a rack.

When the food arrived, the waiter kindly explained what each of the "items" were.

This plate were the usual scones: plain and raisin, with the jams and cream. The egg glaze on the top makes it golden and makes my mouth water (LOL). With my 7 years in the UK, I am a big scone lover. The scones were almost like a mini cake for me.When you cut across it in the middle, crumbs would fall out like a cake. I found it a tad bit too sweet, it was definitely different from what I used to have in the UK. But it was still delicious since I haven't had scones properly in absolutely ages.

The savouries

This is the savoury dish. The cylindrical object on the ledt is black bun with ham mousse with Savora mustard. Then next to them are the smoked salmon with cream cheese sandwich. It is the most adorable sandwich I have ever seen indeed. The colourful studs are actually blobs of cream cheese. This imitates the Jimmy Choo Cayla Clutch.
The Cayla Clutch

Next to the clutch sandwiches are the Foie Gras high heels. The foie gras were dipped into cherry sauce and sit on a piece of Brioche bread. I did not eat this because I dislike the taste of foie gras and the fact that they coat your mouth, and I've always found the taste a bit, bloody, and not to mention the way people treat those poor animals to obtain them at the first place. Anyways, last but not least, on the right we have the mushroom quiche garnished with pesto. Man, I love quiche (esp. Quiche Lorraine!). The shrooms had a very strong smell and taste to it and the pastry was very well made. 

The desserts
Then we move onto the most eyecatching dish: the dessert dish! Inside the shooter glass starting from the top it was the yuzu mousse, green tea mousse and at the bottom strawberry jelly, the top of the glass was covered by a little disc of white chocolate with floral prints (but I didn't eat it haha) but I remember I ate them shooters at the end and found it too sweet to handle after the rest of the everything. The one next to that, the macaroon lollipop, the filling was passion fruit and mango cream. It wasn't too sweet nor too bland. 

Next to the lollipop are the main reason why we wanted to try this tea so bad! The Jimmy Choo leopard handbag and the Jimmy Choo Heels! The handbag was made up of leopard print white chocolate with a little handle (Yes,you can actually hold it with the handle, it is very sturdy.) The content of the bag was lychee, rose & raspberry mousse. The heels on the other hand, was milk chocolate with chocolate mousse as fillings. Again my friend and I couldn't finish the heels, as it was the last thing we had, it was simply too sweet for our appetites. We probably will finish it if we had them at the beginning before everything else.

The savoury and dessert dish were set up on a metal rack. The scone dish was placed on the table.

Oh! I forgot to mention the tea! We both had Earl Grey. Who doesn't love a good cup of Earl Grey?!

This has to be one of the most exciting tea I have had so far! Everything was so beautiful! The service was great! At the end it came to HKD$280 + 10% service charge per person. Expensive for tea but come on, it was at a 5 star hotel, and the food looked amazing. It's more of a every-once-in-a-while thing.

Ronnie x

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