Wednesday 23 August 2017

國泰FA面試分享~ (2)

好囉好囉~CX FA面試分享第二part!


大家記得不要遲到!早到大概十五分鐘左右就差不多。絕對要養成儲到十五分鐘的習慣。我記得2014年first in之後有lunch time,負責人說好某個時間回到集合地點進行second in,有人遲到,那個staff馬上mark下了名字,那個人second in表現好但最後也是foul了~

首先我們被帶進一個房間,看一些介紹 video,interview流程etc,staff會叫名然後出去arm reach (但我有些同學是比我遲很多interview說他們是最後Bodycheck才做arm reach的)我的身高大概160cm,好像要reach到208cm。如果身高比較矮的話,要拉拉筋先去^^

 我們首先要和旁邊的applicant pair up,然後我記得她給我們一個題目: favourite vacation spot,之後有幾分鐘的時間去了解對方的favourite vacation spot。最後,每人會有30秒(還是一分鐘?!)的時間去present你partner的favourite vacation spot。
當你和partner在討論的時候,interviewer會留意大家唷~所以坐姿要正確,留心聽你partner說話(間中點下頭),不要打斷partner的話, 一直保持笑容 etc.

之後是2張檯會有不同的scenario~我table是補習社,另外table是主題公園。然後就是discussion的部分了~題目是:補習社receptionist應該是個怎樣的人? (主題公園那邊我忘記了題目是什麼) 最後要present比interviewer同另外張枱聽。
這一次discussion也是計時的,和你table其他人一起discuss...punctual, friendly, able to communicate with children etc. 想一下要怎樣elaborate每一個point。
像之前一樣,interviewer也會將一切放在眼內,不要不說話也不要一直說話,多聽別人的意見(What do you think? Do you have any idea?) 不要打斷別人的話。表現大家的teamwork,FA teamwork很重要。我們最後是分工每人講一個。
先想好你要講的話,一次過講出來就ok了!跟上次一樣,很有自信,不慌張就okay!很多candidate講完自己的point會介紹下一位( XXX will talk about "punctuality" next. etc.)

Role play的環節~我第一次面試就是敗在這一個環節手上!所以十分擔心。我那天的題目大概就是:你們的補習社/主題公園受到一些投訴,你們要怎樣回應這些投訴?
Interviewer會有prompt card發給另一張table,他們就是投訴的customer。卡上有一些投訴,例如: 你們網上的地址不準確,累我去錯地方,miss了課堂,為什麼有些遊客有coupon,我卻沒有?etc.
並感謝他的投訴(好假唷), 可以講: Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
嘗試找出一些long term solution,不要只offer free of charge或者discount。可以跟customer說:我們公司將會招聘更多人手/提供培訓令顧客得到更好嘅服務。還有,show你的同情心: I understand you must feel frustrated that you went to the wrong place.
這一part可以演得很放!如果那些complain沒有太specific,你可以老吹一些原因出來e.g. 不夠人手/溝通上的誤會/技術上的問題。
最後可以說一句: if you need help with anything, please feel free to speak to me. My name is XXX.


Complain: The address on the brochure is wrong. The customer went to the wrong location and missed his class.

My name is XXX, and this is my colleague YYY. Thank  you for bringing this to our attention.  We are very sorry that you went to the location printed on the brochure to find out the address is incorrect. It must have been very frustrating. The address is incorrect due to the company being understaffed, therefore we haven't had time to update the brochure. However, we are currently in the process of hiring more experienced staff to work on this, and we will update the newest information as soon as possible to avoid situations like this again.  Meanwhile, I will write down the correct address for your future reference. Also, you may call our number XXXX-XXXX if you have any enquiries. Once again, we are very sorry about what had happened. As for the class you missed, may I reschedule it for you, may I know when you are free to attend the make up class?


最後,interviewer會叫名,那些人是失敗了...留下來的人就去做English Assessment

Group in到這裡~

Friday 11 August 2017

國泰FA面試分享~ (1)

太久沒有update。。。來一篇中文blog post~

我考上國泰的FA了!其實interview已經是2016的事啦。Interview過程中參考了好多的blog post,所以現在想分享下自己的經驗。

其實我2014年已經interview過,不過那次prepare不足,second round被foul了。
在外邊工作兩年後,看見有同事辭職,覺得自己也不想繼續教小朋友,所以決定再次apply CX!
當時apply是2016年6月,apply的過程都是網上的,先填好application form,然後submit。過一段時間會有email通知first interview的時間和需要帶的文件(2016年CX recruit的process很慢, 所以好像等了一個月才有email),我first interview是在7月2X號,只要跟著email裡面的instructions就可以了~

(2017年apply的好像first in之前都有一個digital interview, 這個我就不太清楚,因為我那個時候沒有這種東西)

其實不一定要穿西裝的:西裝褲,連身裙那些也是可以穿,不過低胸,miniskirt那些就no-no! 穿西裝是safe的選擇吧!所以10個去的有9.5個都是穿西裝的。鞋我是穿了普通黑色高跟鞋(不高),也是safe的選擇。


我記得有很多人綁了french twist或者bun。不過我覺得最重要的是你把頭髮綁起來,而不是披頭散髮的。我看過一些interview女生的french twist或bun,她們可能覺得綁起來interviewer會加分,但那些baby hair跑出來,看起來是非常的亂。所以自己要衡量一下頭髮要怎樣弄,要Gel一下baby hair~

入職後想回interview時的我,grooming是做得很差!哈哈~與其擔心自己的外表,不如work on自己的interview performance吧!人家面試官first in要interview十幾個人,真的沒有時間細心檢查每個人的頭髮綁得好不好,妝化得好不好。雖然我這樣說,但也不要頹廢look出現!Interview也是要穿得得體,第一印象是很重要的!畢竟大家只是來interview的,並不是真正的FA。考上了,CX會再培訓大家的grooming~

下一篇講interview process~

Friday 3 October 2014

DAY 1 ||| Umbrella Revolution | Occupy Central

I went out to support the movement in the past few days.

Sunday 28th Sept, DAY 1

On Sunday evening, after seeing how the police treated the crowds with the pepper sprays and tear gas on TV, I decided I would go to Admiralty to support the people. I was absolutely furious. So I met up with a friend, along with some of her friends, and off we went across Victoria harbour, got off at WanChai station, as Admiralty station was shut down due to the protest.

We made our way to Harcourt Road at around 10pm. It was not as intense as I thought it would be. It wasn't terribly crowded either, as it was late at night, and some people had to work the next day.We waited a couple of hours because we heard that the police were going to take action at 12am.

The crowd at 10pm-ish
The atmosphere was rather peaceful, we sat down on the ground at the end because we stood up for too long. There were people giving out resources: masks for protection, bottled water, goggles and snacks. People were wrapping cling film onto their limbs, because pepper spray gives a burning sensation if it gets onto the skin, and wet their towels, because it is better to breathe with a wet towel covering their nose and mouth.

However, at 12pm, nothing happened. Most of us began to feel tired and sleepy. Many of us laid down on the ground, using our backpacks as pillows, and fall asleep. For the majority of us, it was very shallow sleep, as we had to be very alert of what was going on. Every other 10 or 20 minutes or so, there would be people shouting "GET UP!" as they thought the police were going to take action, we would put on our goggles and masks quickly and be ready for tear gas, however, most of the times, it was false alerts. At 2am, we were woken up by people, and things became very intense. We immediately put on our gear, the police also put on their gas masks. People take out their brollies for protection. Then, they chucked the tear gas into the crowd.

How I prepared for the tear gas.
Taken before(or maybe after) the attack.

Even with all the warnings,  the physical and mental preparation, I was still shocked and panicked for a millisecond. Then people around me started shouting "Walk away slowly! Do not run." My friends and I held hands and walked against the wind, towards the WanChai direction. One of the girls I was with, her eyes were affected by the tear gas. Even though we were not directly hit by the tear gas, we all had that burning sensation. For me, my windpipes were burning and the skin around my nose and mouth were burning also. A few minutes later, the pain began to fade away, and we made our way back to where we were. We met up with a couple others who got lost whilst we ran away, and we continued to rest on the ground.

At 3am, we were woken up again, and was told that the police were to use water cannon. We put on our raincoats and go ready. However nothing happened. By that time, everyone was exhausted. We slept on the ground until around 7am, when the sun started to shine bright and made us very hot.

At the end of Day 1, I felt even more determined and furious. We were so peaceful, and civilised before the tear gas (at least after we got there), why did they still attack us? I don't understand.

I will never ever forget this day.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Hong Kong student stike

Credit to owner
I am so proud to be a CUHK student.
To be honest, I was never really interested in politics.
All I know about China is that it is a communist, which means they are no good. But Hong Kong was lucking enough to form its own government after the handover in 1997. In the recent years, it has become clear that Hong Kong is slowly losing its powers to the Chinese government.

Some people say "Everything is great in Hong Kong already, what more do you want? Why can't you just be happy and thankful for what you have now?". Well, lets put it like this: if someone sexually harasses you, would you scream for help or be thankful that he/she didn't rape and kill you and do nothing about it?

Maybe a student strike won't be effective.
But at least we are letting the rest of the people in the world know what we want.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

My K-Pop Journey : Super Junior


It has been an emotional few days for me. I watched Super Junior's Super Show 5 in Hong Kong on 15th Jun. It was such an unforgettable experience, words can't even describe how much I loved it. Even though it has been a few days, I still feel super happy and excited. I don't know, after I see them in real person, singing and dancing in front of me, feelings just rushes back to me all of a sudden. I started to reminisce how I began to like K-Pop music.

After Gangnam Style sweeping across the world last year, I am sure the majority of you will know what K-Pop is, but did you know that there is something that is as brain-washing as Gangnam style?Well, I'd say that Super Junior's "Sorry Sorry" is even more brain-washing than Psy's song...

Monday 27 May 2013

Jimmy Choo Afternoon Tea at MO Bar, the Landmark Mandarin Oriental

So at the beginning of May, I started seeing people posting Jimmy Choo Afternoon Tea photographs onto Facebook, Instagram etc., and my friend and I were very impressed by the looks of the tea set. However, the bar at which the limited time tea set were sold were fully booked. Luckily, after I did some reading on reviews of the Choo Tea Set, I found out that they have a couple of walk-in spaces for people who didn't manage to get a booking. The reviewers said that if you want to secure a place for this amazing looking tea, then we have to get there at around 1pm. So my friend and I decided we would waste 2 hours of our revision time to queue for this insanely beautiful looking food...